
Reference documentation for Homechart’s configuration

Configuration Sources

Configuration is performed using a JSON/Jsonnet configuration file, environment variables, and command line arguments. Configurations from one source will override previous sources, i.e. environment variables override configuration files, command line arguments override environment variables.

Command Line

Every configuration key can be set using -x <a_config_key1>="a value" -x <a_config_key2>="another value", i.e. -x cli_logLevel=debug -x cli_logFormat=kv. Config values can also be set using JSON, i.e. -x cli='{"logLevel": "debug"}'

Command line values override all other sources.

Environment Variables

Every configuration key can be set using homechart_config_key=a value or HOMECHART_config_key=a value, i.e. homechart_cli_logLevel=debug. A special environment variable, homechart_config can be used to specify a complete JSON/Jsonnet configuration.

Environment Variables override a configuration file.

Configuration File

A configuration file be formatted using JSON or Jsonnet. Underscores in config keys are used to represent nesting, i.e. cli_logLevel represents:

  "cli": {
    "logLevel": "debug"

Homechart looks for homechart.jsonnet by default, ascending the directory tree to find it. See the Jsonnet reference for more information. Configuration files are rendered at startup, allowing you to use dynamic Jsonnet functions to dynamically alter the config, i.e.:

local getRecord(type, name, fallback=null) = std.native('getRecord')(type, name, fallback);
local level = getRecord('txt', '');

  cli: [
    logLevel: level,

You can view the rendered configuration by running homechart config.

Configuration Values

app_adminEmailAddresses (recommended)

List of strings, email addresses which will have admin access to Homechart for their account. If combined with adminTrustedCIDRs,

Default: []

app_adminTrustedCIDRs (recommended)

List of IPv4 and IPv6 networks. If adminEmailAddresses is not specified, any account from these networks will be granted admin access to Homechart. If adminEmailAddresses is specified, it will limit the admin access granted for adminEmailAddresses to traffic originating from the networks specified.

Should be combined with xForwardedTrustedCIDRs to ensure the appropriate remote IP is being checked, otherwise this may grant admin access to anyone on the internet.



app_baseURL (recommended)

String, base URL for Homechart, mostly used by notifications.

Default: ""


Number, number of minutes to keep entries in cache.

Default: 15

app_disableSignup (recommended)

Boolean, disables new account signups. Accounts can still be created/invited under the Admin > Accounts. Self-hosted instances should enable this after they have setup their initial account.

Default: false


Boolean, disable any background tasks (sending notifications, cleaning up old data) from running on this instance.

Default: false


Boolean, disables configuration via Web/HTTP.

Default: false


Number, number of days to retain Calendar Events after their end date. Setting this to 0 disables Calendar Event cleanup.

Default: 180


Number, number of days to retain Cook Meal Plans after their scheduled date. Setting this to 0 disables Cook Meal Plan cleanup.

Default: 180


Number, number of days to keep deleted data (Notes, Cook Recipes, Secret Values). Setting this to 0 disables deleted data cleanup.

Default: 30


Number, number of days to retain Health Logs. Setting this to 0 disables Health Log cleanup.

Default: 180


Number, number of Notes Page Versions to keep.

Default: 10


Number, number of days to keep completed tasks.

Default: 90


String, informational message to display on the UI for all users.

Default: ""


Number, listening port for Homechart. Setup port forwarding to this port to expose Homechart externally.

Default: 3000


String, Upstream IPv4 or IPv6 address of a trusted proxy. See the Single Sign-On (SSO) guide for usage details.

Default: ""


String, proxy header that should be associated with an account email address. See Single Sign-On (SSO) guide for usage details.

Default: ""


String, proxy header that should be associated with an account name. See Single Sign-On (SSO) guide for usage details.

Default: ""


Number, number of months before a Budget Category month detail is rolled up into the next Budget Category month. Setting to 0 disables category roll ups. Not rolling up categories may impact performance.

Default: 96


Number, number of months before a Budget Transaction is rolled up into a starting balance. Setting to 0 disables balance roll ups. Not rolling up transactions may impact performance.

Default: 96


Number, number of months before a Budget Transaction is rolled up into monthly summaries. Setting to 0 disables summary roll ups. Not rolling up transactions may impact performance.

Default: 48


Number, time that SSE requests will be removed due to inactivity, in minutes.

Default: 10


Number, time between non-Remember Me sessions expiring, in seconds.

Default: 3600


Number, time between Remember Me sessions expiring, in seconds.

Default: 7776000

app_tlsCertificate (recommended)

String, path to a SSL/TLS certificate file. Should work for the domain in your baseURL. If set, along with tlsKey, Homechart will listen for HTTPS connections only. HTTPS is necessary for certain Homechart functionality, you should enable HTTPS within Homechart or your reverse proxy.

Default: ""

app_tlsKey (recommended)

String, path to a SSL/TLS private key file. Should work for the domain in your baseURL. If set, along with tlsCertificate, Homechart will listen for HTTPS connections only. HTTPS is necessary for certain Homechart functionality, you should enable HTTPS within Homechart or your reverse proxy.

Default: ""


String, path to the configuration file. If a filename without a path is specified, Rot will search parent directories for the filename and use the first one found.

Default: "homechart.jsonnet"


Number, seconds to periodically reload the config and reload the application, if > 0.

Default: 0


Boolean, if true then the configPath will be watched for changes. On a change, the application will be reloaded.

Default: false


String, log format to use for logging: human, kv, or raw.

Default: "human"


String, log level to use for logging: none, debug, info, or error.

Default: "info"


Number, the minimum status to log for error messages. Used to additionally filter logLevel error. Status roughly map to HTTP status codes:

  • 400 will capture all client and server errors
  • 500 will capture only server errors

Default: 0


A map of macros to simplify and template CLI arguments. See Macros for more information.

An example macro looks like this:

  "cli": {
    "macro": {
      "mymacro": {
        "argumentsRequired": [
        "flags": {
          "d": {
            "usage": "D flag usage!"
        "template": "config",
        "usage": "Mymacro usage!",

Default: {}


A list of arguments that are required for the macro.

Default: []


A list of arguments that are optional for the macro.

Default: []


A map of flags for the macro.

Default: {}


A list of strings for the default value of the flag.

Default: []


A list of strings the flag can be set to.

Default: []


String, the placeholder name for the flag if it accepts a value.

Default: ""


String, the usage instructions for the flag.

Default: ""


String, the Go template syntax that will be rendered, appended to the CLI, and ran. The Go template can use these custom functions:

  • {{ getArg i int f string }}
    Get an argument at position i or return fallback f.
  • {{ getEnv e string f string }}
    Get an environment variable e or return fallback f.
  • {{ getFlag f string }}
    Get the flag values for f. For flags with a placeholder, this will be an array of string values, otherwise it will be a boolean.
  • {{ join s []string sep string }}
    Join array s with separator sep.

Default: []


String, the usage documentation for a macro.

Default: ""


Boolean, disables paging of log output using less.

Default: false


Number of megabytes the memory cache can use. When it exceeds this amount, it will start removing cache entries.

Default: 256


Number of seconds until a cache entry is expired and removed.

Default: 1800 (30 minutes)


String, type of cache provider. Current options are:

  • database
  • memory
  • none

None will disable all caching.

Default: memory


Number of max connections to the database to open.

Default: 25


Number of idle connections to the database.

Default: 5


Number of minutes to keep a connection to the database open for.

Default: 5


String, the database URI to connect with. Varies depending on database:

  • PostgreSQL: postgresql://username:password@hostname:port/database

Default: ""


Boolean, if true, Homechart will not use the system certificate authorities. All certificate authorities must be specified using httpClient_tlsCABase64 or httpClient_tlsCAPath or no HTTPS URLs will be trusted.

Default: false


String, base64 encoded PEM certificate used by Homechart’s HTTP client to validate HTTPS endpoints. If this or tlsCAPath are not specified, Homechart will only use the system CA certificates to validate certificates.

Default: ""


String, path to a PEM certificate used by Homechart’s HTTP client to validate HTTPS endpoints. If this or tlsCABase64 are not specified, Homechart will only use the system CA certificates to validate certificates.

Default: ""


Boolean, configures Homechart’s HTTP client to skip TLS verification for HTTPS endpoints. Use with caution.

Default: false


Number, default seconds to wait for HTTP requests to connect. 0 disables the timeout.

Default: 10


Number, default seconds to wait for HTTP requests to negotiate TLS. 0 disables the timeout.

Default: 10


String, the listen address and port number for the service.

Default: ":3000"


String, a HTTP header key that can be provided using x-rate-limit-key to bypass rate limiting.

Default: ""


Map of paths and rate limits. Rate limits are configured as count-duration-status, e.g. 5-1h means 5 requests every 1 hour. Status is an HTTP status code, the rate limiter will apply if the response is greater than the status code, e.g. 5-1h-400 will apply if the response status code is > 400. If the rate limit is an empty string (""), it will be disabled for that path.

Default: Run homechart config | homechart jq .http.rateLimitPatterns


String, base64 encoded PEM certificate for HTTPS.

Default: ""


String, path to a PEM certificate for HTTPS.

Default: ""


String, base64 encoded PEM key for HTTPS.

Default: ""


String, path to a PEM key for HTTPS.

Default: ""


Number, default seconds to wait reading a request header from an HTTP client. 0 disables the timeout.

Default: 60


Number, default seconds to wait reading a request from an HTTP client. 0 disables the timeout.

Default: 60


Number, default seconds to wait writing to a response to a HTTP client. 0 disables the timeout.

Default: 300


A list of subnets or CIDRs that will be trusted for sending X-Forwarded-For headers. If an IP address in the X-Forwarded-For header matches one of these subnets, the client IP will be the left most address before the matched IP. This should be the host or network of a trusted proxies like NGINX or Traefik.

Default: ""


Configuration toggles for disabling Jsonnet Native Functions. Some of these functions are disabled by default–namely anything that could perform an external call, like running a command, or performing HTTP or DNS requests. These should only be enabled for Jsonnet files you trust, as they could lead to data exfiltration or worse.


Disable the getArch function.

Default: false


Disable the getCmd function.

Default: true


Disable the getConfig function.

Default: false


Disable the getEnv function.

Default: false


Disable the getFile function.

Default: false


Disable the getFileHTTP function.

Default: true


Disable the getOS function.

Default: false


Disable the getPath function.

Default: false


Disable the getRecord function.

Default: true


OIDC is a map of OIDC issuer names to OIDC configurations. See Setup Homechart SSO for more information.

Default: {}


String, the endpoint for OAuth. Can be discovered from oidcIssuerURL.

Default: ""


String, the CA certificate used to communicate with the issuer. Useful with private OIDC servers without public certificates.

Default: ""


String, the ID shared with clients for OAuth requests. Required.

Default: ""


String, the secret shard with clients for OAuth requests. Required.

Default: ""


List of strings, the supported algorithms for OIDC code challenges. Can be discovered from oidcIssuerURL.

Default: ""


String, the name that will be displayed in the UI for the OIDC issuer.

Default: ""


String, a URL for an icon to display for the OIDC issuer. If this issuer has a name of google or microsoft, an icon will be provided by Homechart.

Default: ""


List of strings, a list of public keys for an OIDC issuer. Can be discovered from oidcIssuerURL.

Default: ""


String, a URL for retrieving JWKS keys for an OIDC issuer. Can be discovered from oidcIssuerURL.

Default: ""


String, the issuer URL to be compared with the issuer of the token. Can be discovered from oidcIssuerURL.

Default: ""


String, URL to retrieve issuer configurations. Should be the base path without /.well-known/openid-configuration, i.e.

Default: ""


List of strings, a list of scopes to request. If empty, will be set to “openid” and “email”. Homechart requires sub and email claims in an ID token to successfully authenticate a user using OIDC.

Default: ""


String, the URL to retrieve tokens. Can be discovered from oidcIssuerURL.

Default: ""


String, the URL to retrieve user info. Can be discovered from oidcIssuerURL.

Default: ""


Homechart can use a SMTP server to send notifications to your household members.


String, email address to send from. Required to make SMTP work.

Default: ""


String, hostname to use when connecting to SMTP server.

Default: ""


String, password to use when connecting to SMTP server.

Default: ""


Number, port to use when connecting to SMTP server.

Default: 587


String, email address to have users send to when replying.

Default: ""


String, username to use when connecting to SMTP server.

Default: ""


Homechart can use Web Push to send push notifications from Homechart to your devices. Homechart communicates directly to web push services provided by Apple, Google, Mozilla and other standards-compliant endpoints. Additionally, all of the data in the push notification is encrypted between your server and the client–the web push services can’t read it.

You need to generate the VAPID private and public keys to use Web Push. This can be done from the command line, e.g.:

$ ./homechart_linux_amd64 generate-vapid
  "privateKey": "VEIYXV6qF_enUzycyQYdplDUgi05UM4lPh_FTzYmwX8",
  "publicKey": "BNh2dabXjc2N8mctezlEm5pd1-1m_kkVZpdNYJl5gtRtdmKNIZvA6IZwYEYSy5UmVr5N7Bt9y9qKCLTp1sc_89c"

Or using a container:

$ docker run -it --rm generate-vapid
  "privateKey": "VEIYXV6qF_enUzycyQYdplDUgi05UM4lPh_FTzYmwX8",
  "publicKey": "BNh2dabXjc2N8mctezlEm5pd1-1m_kkVZpdNYJl5gtRtdmKNIZvA6IZwYEYSy5UmVr5N7Bt9y9qKCLTp1sc_89c"

This command will output the private and public keys you’ll use in the configuration sections below.


String, the privateKey value from running generate-vapid.

Default: ""


String, the publicKey value from running generate-vapid.

Default: ""