What's New in Homechart: v2024.12

Release notes for Homechart v2024.12.


Custom Colors

Accounts and Households can now register custom colors for use with Calendar > Events, Plan > Tasks, and more. Visit Settings > Account or Settings > Households to add them.

Swipe Actions

Homechart on mobile now has swipe actions:

  • Swipe right to left to close the menu
  • Swipe left to right to close forms or open the menu
  • Swipe top to bottom to open display options
  • Swipe bottom to top to close display options

Web Config for Self Hosted Users

Homechart can now be mostly configured from the web for self hosted users! As an admin, you can visit Admin > Config to change configuration settings for Homechart. This functionality can be disabled too, if necessary.


  • Budget Transactions now have stricter validation requirements for categorization. Transfers between unbudgeted accounts must be categorized, transfers between budgeted accounts must not be.
  • Homechart setup now includes config settings for admin self hosted users.
  • Homechart admin access can now be restricted to specific networks, as well as email addresses. By default, Homechart will restrict access to IPv4 and IPv6 private networks only.
  • Homechart will now generate WebPush VAPID keys if none are configured and store them in the database. For self-hosted users, this should enable WebPush notifications for everyone by default.
  • Homechart will now make the first registered self-hosted user an admin if none are configured.


  • Fixed Budget Transaction balance and summary roll ups to occur less frequently and include more transactions.
  • Fixed cleanup jobs such as delete old tasks, purge deleted items, roll up transactions, etc. to not run if the relevant config option (like keepDeletedDays) is set to 0.


  • Deprecated the signupDisabled config option, it is now called disableSignup.


  • Budget Account > Budgeted flag can no longer be changed after a Budget Account is created. You must create a new Budget Account and move the transactions manually, as they may require categorization changes.