What's New in Homechart: v2021.12

Release notes for Homechart v2021.12.


Budget Charts

Homechart finally has… charts! For our first round of charts, we focused on Budget and added Spending by Category, Spending by Payee, and Income / Expense. We’re hoping to add more charts to Budget and the other components (where they make sense) in the future, please send us some feedback if you have ideas!

Self-Hosted Google Assistant

Self-Hosted users can now use Google Assistant! Ensure your self-hosted instance is exposed to the internet, and add the URL under Settings > Cloud. We’ll be adding Alexa support in the very near future, and it will support self-hosted users as well.

Feature Voting

Homechart Cloud users can now comment and vote on upcoming features into Homechart! Visit Feature Voting to learn more.

Improved User Experience and Color Palette

We’re always working on revamping certain aspects of the Homechart UI, and this release contains some fairly big changes. Most notably, we’re scaling back the use of color throughout the app and using it more for emphasis and interactions. We also updated the color palette within the app, and you can now randomize your color scheme under Settings > Account.


  • Android and iOS apps can now have websites “shared” to them. Homechart can import the websites as bookmarks, recipes, or tasks.
  • Budget > Accounts, Budget > Payees, and Plan > Projects can now have a custom Material Icon selected for them.
  • Budget > Transactions will roll up into monthly and account summaries to save space and make browsing old transactions quite a bit faster. Transactions can be flagged to avoid this process, and it’s configurable for self-hosted users.
  • Plan > Tasks can now have multiple assignees. If the task is recurring, the assignee will alternate after every iteration.
  • Plan > Tasks now remember the last date it was completed on and the person who completed it.
  • Settings > Household can now delete household members (if you’re an owner).
  • Settings > Household can now set passwords for household members (if you’re an owner).
  • Settings > Household can now select the Australian Dollar as a currency.