What's New in Homechart: v2021.03

Release notes for Homechart v2021.03.


In Stock Recipe Ingredients

Recipes will now show icon@inventory next to ingredients that exist (and have a quantity greater than 0) in your Inventory.

Import Cookbooks and Other Printed Text

Homechart learned to read! Using your camera, you can now take pictures of text (like cookbooks, bills, or instructions) and Homechart will do a pretty good job of reading the text from it. To get started, look for the Import Picture link when editing items.

Undo Changes

You can now undo most changes within Homechart. Accidentally completed a task, mistakenly changed a recipe? Just click the undo button to revert your change.

Custom Meal/Task/Transaction Event Colors

Calendar is now more colorful–Meal, Task, and Transaction events have a separate color scheme associated with them. Visit Settings > Household to change the default.